2024 PDC Group
Welcome to the 2024 PDC Group!
This online group space is where all the course updates and logistics for each module will be shared. Each month course material will be added to the page for you to download and print out if you require. And to post any communication: thoughts, questions, information, advice or findings for the group to see and aid our permaculture learning journeys.
It is a great platform where you can chat with each other and share what's happening in each other's lives and design process; and where you plan meet-up's or share events from your community that others might be interested in ... Basically just an open space for connecting.
Note: when making a new post, please add the relevant tags to allow finding conversations on the chat stream easier in the future, as it fills up over time.
Also, hit thumbs up or other reaction button - to show you have read the message.
I look forward to learning alongside,
- Private
Only approved members can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
February 13, 2024
Created by